The Void

 Scene 3.33, 3.34, 3.35 and 4.11 originally took place in the restaurant set. In older designs the camera had been set up so he was going to swim in the middle of the set.

Original 4.11 Camera Shot

Original 3.34 Camera Shot in an old version of the restaurant.

After review Max decided we needed a new set, an open set where it was just the water and Pavo.

This was a relief as this made camera placement a lot easier. The part that took the longest in this scene was the addition of a lighthouse and getting the light to work.
I had to make a beam of light going round the exterior of the lighthouse because the glass in the lighthouse wasn't making the light go through it.

Also the camera in 3.34 followed the path of the waves so I had to be careful of making the audience motion sickness, 

The Wave also was a difficult process. What I did was got a plane, made it thick and curved the shape at one of the corners of the plane. Getting that right took a while. Making the curve correct was one thing but getting the motion of the wave and the length of the wave was another. The wave had to be long enough so you couldn't see the end of it in the thick fog volumetric domain at the end of the set.

Blenders keyframes automatically have an ease in effect on them, you can alter them but I was having trouble getting the motion to look like the wave was crashing over Pavo.

Took a few trials an errors but I managed to get it done.
