Photogrammetry Fish

Creating the Photogrammetry Fish was a fun process
Using 3DF zephyr, I uploaded 50 photos of the three sets of photos Me Zara and Ian took.

The first part of the process was to upload the 'cameras' to the application, this will produce the look above, this shows basic mesh points (Sparse point cloud).

Then what we do is we make the Sparse point cloud denser using dense point cloud generation, this gives us more points and thus more detail to work with.

After this step we now start with mesh generation. This is not the final mesh but this will now start 'connecting the dots' 

Then we proceed to the final stage, Producing a detailed mesh generation, This will give us our final look of the object scanned.

The scans above are what Zara's photos produced. Which turned out to be the best scan as her photos had more details and better colour. because the plate was a reflective surface the mesh didn't smoothen out so the plate became bumpy.

It was also interesting to see that the tarp transformed into a wave. Probably because that too was reflective and probably messed up in the meshing process.

The rest of these screenshots are from Ian's photos and my photos.
Ian's ones had the lowest resolution and also came out yellow.
Mine were okay but there was less resolution than Zara's photos.
I even tried to make a photogrammetry render of just the fishes face for a close up shot but i ended up not using it.

For a free program 3DF Zephyr does the Job splendidly. I hope I can use this program again sometime.
 Now this mesh will be transported to Blender and with blend shaped I can animate the fish to breath and blink.

