Evaluation: Roles - Writer


My role as a writer was brief but I did get some insight on how to work as a writer as a team.

In my opinion discussing a story with multiple writers was quite fun. Being in a room with a group of creative people, bouncing ideas off of each other makes you feel very involved. 

My time as a writer started from the conception of Ugly Fish Dinner to the Second or third version of the script. A good two to three weeks of work where me Max, Vinnie, Zara and Bean would go to the Hive and sit down for a good many hours.

I have had experience in writing from my studies at school in English where we learned about character Arcs and Plot Arcs, So I wanted to implement a version of this to understand how Pavos Character Arc works, and to see if it fitted a good arc. So I did a few graphs on the Hive white board and on Microsoft Excel. In my earlier blogs you can see evidence of these.

Here is the very first one for reference:

During this time in writing I did find myself trying to expand on the Surreal side of the story and at the time we had quite a few things in place. I was also quite the Devils Advocate in these meetings s I though some of the very earlier suggestions were a tad silly. Devils Advocates are important because the make you ask why do you need this? and could this scene be removed? Is It necessary? that sort of thing.

When I was removed along with Vinnie I was a little sad at first, but I could understand that closer to rapping up the script their only really needed three to two people working on it at a time. This kind of reminds me of how script Editions work where they take the script full of ideas and shrink it down to a readable size.

This experience also taught me the feeling of what happens when big scenes are removed from scripts Usually when I have written, everything you've worked on is challenged by yourself, you make that decision wherever you want to keep something or wherever you want to remove something and you can see the reasons why you have done that. In this case however I did not have a word to say when a big scene is removed from the script as by that time I had been let off the writing team. A month afterwards you can see the reasoning but during the first weeks you feel sad and unsure. In perspective its strange to feel like that about a bit of writing but Its something that does indeed exist.
