Evaluation: Roles - Editor/Compositing


This job was the one I was looking forward to being and HOD but sadly, in evaluation I was not as involved as I hoped to be.

As expected Max was in charge of the final decisions made with cuts and timing. During Pre production I only had proper discussions about the edit with during a pressured time where that Animatic was not completed within 4 weeks. The pipeline of the project was slowly being pushed back more and more, making it difficult to see if we could get out of pre production stage. 
Once I got to sit down with Max, me and him spend two consecutive days working on it we had discussions back and fourth about it.  We managed to get it done and make people happy enough to send it to production stage.

This was the only time where I truly felt like a Head of Department. I'm disappointed that I was not involved before that point because I think I could of helped.

The rest of my Editing career ended up mostly in compositing. I didn't like the fact that we only managed to start properly editing the footage together in the last week, when we should of had things rapping up at the start of the last month. I couldn't spent more time perfecting the edit. Instead it became a rush to get everything out and ready. The last two days were especially grindy in compositing.

Luckily Zara had control of Editing and Thomas and Max joined in to compositing which helped out a lot. I thank them for that.

My original plan, which only happened to the first scene in the film was to level adjust the characters to the surroundings. The characters are quite bright against the backgrounds and I wanted to adjust the But we ran out of time to do that. We also missed pout on some cloud VFX which could have been composited in After Effects.

There was also a Pipeline that I wanted to work from but that also got changed without me having to say in the matter. The change was needed in the end, but I would of liked to at least been aware of the change formally than me finding out about it during a crucial stage in development..

(The change was originally working from one Premiere file and then making after effects comps from that to just making After Effect files for each scene, rendering them out then placing them into a master premiere file.)

At least I learned something from this experience that I will take into next semester.
