
 In the original script, Every time a anxiety event occurred AKA Water event, their would be clouds to indicate an oncoming storm.

In scene 1, this was achieved, along with some thicker Volumetric lighting and some colour changes. A moving cloud was added to the scene. In blender this took a bit to get right as it would cause some small visual issues.

One thing I learned id clouds in an indoor environment are kind of tricky to pull of as clouds in a 3d software require lighting to make it more look like clouds. Without the lighting the clouds look more like smoke.

On other scene that had clouds was the Void scene which I created in replacement for some awkward camera angles in the restaurant. This was fairly easy to do because the set is technically outside.

Sadly the rest of the clouds were removed due to time constraints. I had come up with a potential solution to he clouds, which was to make them in After Effects but this never came to effect.
