Bradley To Pavo, A photoshop Journey

For Surrealism, Max wanted in the film 'Gross Ups' of Pavos face. But not in a normal Medium. Max wanted something completely of of the ordinary. I came up with this.

Max reference to this surreal look comes from the film Mindgame where at some stages of the film, a characters very human face is modeled to a 3d character:

When It came to me designing Bradley to Pavo, I originally took a more Caricature approach first.
The one thing I needed to have was, Emotion and a Big Nose. Also I needed to work around Bradleys Moustache because Pavo did not have a moustache and the fact that Bradley had not worn a dress shirt to the photoshoot Max and Zara set up.

Version 1, Normal Eyes

Version 2, Cartoon Eyes

This Version was Good but it was almost too jarring to look at. So I started to work on a Pavo with a more similar style to Mindgame, However this version was not finished as the style was to make Pavo keep some of Bradley's features.

Unfinished prototype

The Versions after this one became the final template. After I had modlelled them all using Photoshop and it new Neural Network feature to turn Bradley's Face into Real Pavo, I gave them to Melissa to artify for the final release. Below are the final Releases and there original counterparts.

Video Version of the Comparisons

Below this are two versions of Pavo with Bradleys normal hair which made Pavo look older somehow:

And This is an Unreleased and Unfinished Pavo face entitled 'PogPavo'. This one was removed because the emotion of this one did not fit any of the scenes with the gross ups needed upon review.
