Audio Booth Recording

One of the many jobs I participated in was the official recording sessions in the Audio Booth. 
Their was three sessions in total when it came to recording in the studio.

The first recordings were Bettys ADR, which is where these photos came from.
In this session we established the language of the characters.

The language was similar to that of Simlish from the game Sims. The language was gibberished, we tried making every word end quickly instead of ending with an exaggerated vowel sound.

Example of Simlish:

On the first session we also had James in to help us to remind how we use the Studio and also as Zara's booth assistant, helping her project Bettys voice. 

The Second session was doing Pavos' ADR and the Waiters, which I voiced.
Pavos voice was just my normal voice but for the waiters voice I would hold my nose to make myself sound more naisily. I thought this would work as the waiters main feature was his big nose.

Voice acting has always been something that i've been interested in, so voicing two characters was an absolute joy to me.

The hardest part of the voice acting was doing all the coughing and gulping sounds. I learned that you can't really gulp more than three times without struggling to make more gulping.
The coughing was hard at could only do about 5 coughs without losing oxygen. I would have to take a minute break and drink some water after every take. 

It was still fun and i'm glad I got the opportunity to do it.

The third session was for foley. One of the most notable things that we had done was doing hugging sounds. We used a Leather Jacket and got Bean to squeeze it a few times so in the Animation it sounds like Betty was really squeezing Pavo. Another that sticks in my mind was the menu page flipping which took a bit to get right. Mainly because the page flipping sounds were very quiet. I was on the board during this time and I spend most of it trying to adjust the sensitivity manually.

Spending time of the soundboard was very new to listen to. I had been in the booth before a year ago. but I forgot about most of it. I am confident about using the table at this moment of time.
We re-learned DADman which is the recording software we used. You can see in the image above half of it.

