Storyboard back to Toon boon, a temporary hiccup

Because of the Re-edit of the final Animatic, the original plan of solely using .XML files went out the window. So what has had to be done is that we export every frame and manually sort the scenes out into files.

We put the Animatic into premiere and exported every shot as a .JPG. I put this into one big file and then had to make another file directory. This file Directory had Scene labels which clicked on lead to shot labels. We had to manually go through every exported frame and drag the to the right file directory.

Those images would then have to be renamed like this: UF_Scene.Shot (Frame number)

For example if the Scene was Scene 1, the Shot was Shot 6 and the Frame was Frame 8 the file would be called UF_1.6 (8)

I believe they are getting a new naming convention as of writing this blog. but the purpose of this was so we could re-import back into toon boon with the exact frames needed for the shot.

For some odd reason we couldn't just do this with video because Toon Boon only operates with Quicktime movies or .mov. SIT does not have Quicktime installed on their computers.
