Watching the Animatic

We just watched the most recent version of the animatic.

Here are some notes that I've been taken:

  • I think there might be some pacing issues in the middle before the fish gets put on the table in the restaurant.
  • Everything's really close to the characters in the restaurant.
  • I agree with Rach on the transition to the restaurant.
  • There's something missing an I can't quite put my finger on it yet.
  • It might be that his anxiety is a bit lost in the visuals.
  • The Opening restaurant shot is too quick. You don't get much of a read of a character
  • Betty takin Pavo's chair looks like a weird move to make now.
  • Perspective fixes
  • The waiter is an asshole immediately, scene need swap round.
  • Some emotional beats don't real well.
  • Weird Consistency
  • I think the part between Pavo getting out of the bath and Pavo getting to the resteraunt needs an extra scene to establish that the water is a manifestation an/or show Pavo is going on a date.
  • Slow zooms cause dear air at the end.
  • End shot of Pavo marching through the water should be a wide and show him fighting against the water.
  • Cut fish at the end
