VFX Report 4


Week(s) Commencing: 4th April - 2nd May


HOD: Edwin Nicholson

Crew: Ian Jenkins, Vinnie Webb


To start off my report schedules need work, I fell out of flow of writing these reports weekly. So here is the months update. Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of it next week. 

I have decided that Becca is no longer required in the VFX team. The main reason is with her reluctance to use Blender. This is an issue because our pipeline has been required to use Blender, and all of the VFX shots have been tailored to be created in Blender. Becca is much stronger as a 3D modeler so she should focus her efforts there. 

I have redone the VFX shot list again so that it is updated to the current format. 

This is based off the new and Improved shot list made by Zeta-rose and Max which is also based on the new animatic. 

Some changes include: 

  • The removal of the table bump physics as it was decided that the cutlery would be drawn in 2D. 
  • Addition of Photoshop Elements 
  • Addition of people assigned 
  • Addition of priority 
  • More Fluid Sim shots 
  • More Cloud Sim shots 
I had a VFX meeting with Ian and Vinnie about if they are happy with the jobs I have given them, and they are happy with it. As of this report This VFX list will probably change again. 

I have given Ian the majority of the harder Fluid Sims as he is quite capable of getting them done as result of his Blender tests. 

I have given Vinnie some easier VFX shots to do as he isn't as familiar with Blender, and he is also working full time with the 3D camera.  

I will be working with the Crumb shot and Photogrammetry Shots, The moderate difficulty shots. 

For the Photogrammetry tests it turns out I had to email Gayle Clearwater about booking out the photography room as Chris Macdonald was away. I managed to get the room, but I ended up blundering an Email forgetting to clarify a date, I have rectified the mistake. 

I was hoping to get the room on the 30th of April at 2pm with my group meeting at 1.30pm, however I had received an email stating that the rooms 'triggers were not working' and the lights had been pulled down, so I am trying to see if the room is available on the 7th of May at the same time. I have yet to hear a response. 

I am now waiting for the 3D animatic to be done so my team can start working on the animatic. 

Tasks before next report:

  • Use Blender
  • Wait for 3D Animatic
  • Photogrammetry test
