VFX Report 2


Week(s) Commencing: 28th March - 3rd April


HOD: Edwin Nicholson

Crew: Ian Jenkins, Vinnie Webb, Becca Akersten


With the script finally being completed, I know now what VFX shots need to be done with water sim, which is our top priority at the moment. By the next report I need to compile a list of VFX shots, so we know what exactly we are doing. I have started already by going through the script and highlighting every part that requires simulations. I have also been talking to Max about scenes that he wants for VFX. It turns out that there are opportunities for other simulations, like basic physics for example. The team is keen to try these out. 

Ian and Becca have been continuing to produce water sims over the week with good results. 

Ian's Blender tests are very impressive, in this week he has produced a water rising test and a few water ripple sim tests. he has also played around with the texture of the water and it looks beautiful. Ian also figured out how to make wavy water be affected by physics from a 2D and 3D model which I had not been able to figure out yet. Ian will now have to work with the 2D animators to flawlessly merge the animation and the water physics in blender. 

The Rising water test also shows off underwater distortion which could be used in the underwater scenes or at least used as a reference when the animation goes into the editing phase. 

Becca's Maya test are focused on the bathroom scene at the beginning with an overflowing bath. Currently the simulations are still needing to be fully rendered. There have been some complications with Maya and Bifrost that have made getting a final render a bit harder. The playblast that Becca has been producing seem promising. 

Currently I believe that Blender is the way to go as we have been getting faster results that look good, the progress on the blender tests have proven that it is a capable software. I hope before the semester break ends, we can get two comparisons of Blender and Maya renders. If we do not have those tests finished by then we will automatically go for blender as the final renderer. 

One more thing that we want to test is photogrammetry for some of the surreal scenes. So, a plan is to hire out a camera and a photo studio room, then get a small object to take photos off (A place holder for what will be a cooked fish if we use this method.) We will be using 3DF Zephyr or Meshroom for the compiling of the photos to make a 3d object. This is on the to do list. 

I have now collected Ian and Becca's Development playlists on YouTube to report better on their findings. 

Akersten, B. (2021, April 2). BiFrost Experiments [Video Playlist]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTUg7gLb7JvxgF95AeZmZR-JqOLDVRAFs

Jenkins, I. (2021, April 2). GroupProject [Video Playlist]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCtmZCj92OEGhPvVRHoAL2k2fJg7Sbf-t&jct=wZ5-O8jrLoYeIBMP7GI-_r7TrkllpA

Currently Vinnie has been working hard on 3D jobs building the house set so I have not needed him yet. I think after the test phase is completed the VFX jobs will be more person intensive.

Ian's ripple test with a light water texture. The ripple only effects the character.

Ian's ripple test with a darker texture. Every object in this scene is affected by ripples which make the scene more wavy.

One of Becca's tub water sim's in Maya. This one is a highlight from her tests. 

Another Maya test by Becca.

Tasks before next report:

  • Compile VFX shot list
  • Give Vinnie a job for VFX soon
  • I need to do some blender tests and learn blender more.
  • Plan for Photogrammetry tests.
