Storyboard review Meeting Review

Here are my notes for the review:

Shorten Scene 1,
Water comes out of EVERYTHING
We see Pavo's face more

Pad opening Scene 2
Linger on Pavo's Face
Establishing shot of Pavo preparing for company
Establishing shot of Betty entering and walking towards Pavo
More Spins on Betty (Two or three)
Perspective fixing

Waiter Scene 2
Swap some scenes around
Make the waiter have progression with his bastardness

Fish finger 3
No dolly zoom out
Add surreal hand shot from hand hold scene
Napkin scence

Restaurant Bathroom
Window now in shot,  Pavo smacks into the window and then is pushed into the bathroom.
Water smacks into the camera.
Water opaque
Rejig the entire scene.

Water return
Pavo fights against the water in a wide shot, for a longer period of time. He now slides into the booth.

End Shots
Toothbrush colours of character

Water cascade of sets

Everytime something bad happens to Pavo water trinkles in the background.
