Editing Report 2


Week(s) Commencing: 28th March - 18th April


HOD: Edwin Nicholson

Crew: Zara Samuels


This report is short because there was not much to report on during this time. 

After the After Effect test shot (See report 1), My services have not been needed yet on the editing front. 

Currently the Director Max Candy and Zara Samuels have been setting up the thumbnail storyboard and the first clean storyboard. 

As of the 20th I have been assigned to get ready for the 2D storyboard and the 3D storyboard which will be estimated to finish between the 23rd of April and the 28th of April. 

I will be using Max's Version as a reference for how the story will be structured and try and cut out to a similar pace. I am expecting to sort out some pacing issues and do some scene swapping to get the storyboard to move smoothly. 

Once the 2D Storyboard is put together then we can give that to the 3D team for reference. 

Tasks before next report:

  • Edit the new 2D storyboard.
  • Edit the 3D storyboard.
