Watching Pixar Shorts

At the start of class we watched some Pixar shorts on how Pixar works.

We watched a Pixar short on how an animated camera works. It was a good reminder on how cameras effect the world you are animating. Just want too add I know the show is designed for kids but the narrator for the shorts was a bit too much.

Anyway we also watched a storyboard Pixar short. They discussed how storyboards are made and how that translates to an animation. 

Scripts and storyboards are designed to be changed throughout the production process, usually you have 3 years to do that. However we have 3 months. So we would have fit time in the pipeline to do that if we wanted to work like Pixar.

Next was a character creation Pixar short. According to this short, character animations is like humans breeding dogs. (Weird way of putting it but that what the short seemed to be insinuating.)We make the characters evolve with features we like. Anyway characters can be designed using silhouettes, blocking out the details of the characters to only show there shape can help make your character more unique, This is what you can do at the start of the character creating process.

A lot of designing characters and shots come from personal experiences. Each item has personal flavour.
