The presentation of the roles

On the 2nd of March, each member of the class presented no more than 1 minutes on what roles they wanted in the group project.

 The most important roles that needed a spotlight during this time was Producer and Director/

For Producer we had Zeta-Rose Aldridge and Rach Snowden
For Director we had Corrie Du Preez and Max Candy

On the 3rd we would vote on who we would want for these roles.

For the other roles they would be solidified in a student meeting on the 3rd.

Anyway I went for VFX Supervisor/Director. I was the only one going for it so I got the role. I still presented to the class and showed my showreel. I also responded to questions asked to me.

Overall it was great seeing everyone's showreels and their interest. I'm glad that we are all talented individuals.
