A.R. Games Internship Talk

Today we got a chance to hear from the CEO of Auckland Geo A.R. Games for an internship opportunities.

  • Their specialty is Augmented Reality games.
  • Their focus is Governments and City Councils.
  • Their games show health, safety and history.
  • They want to be inclusive to people with disabilities.
  • Inspired game include, Ingress, Pokémon Go.
  • The game base similar to capture the flag.
  • Games are designed to add adrenaline.
  • There games are designed to be Gender Neutral.

Magical Park is a game is an AR game which is designed to make kids aware of pollution and climate change. The game is focused for kids at the ages of 6 and 12. This is the backbone for the new project.

These guys want physics in their games to make the experience more interactive. Inspired by Josephs Machines, they want to make a game which you can fix an interact with a big machine in a park. (Rube Goldberg Machine).


Valve business structure it the same as Geo A.R.

This link should explain what that is: 


Go to www.geoargames.com to learn more about them.
