Editing Report 1


Week(s) Commencing: 20th March - 27th March 2021


HOD: Edwin Nicholson

Crew: (TBA)


This Editing Report is for the test shot composition. 

My role in the test shot was to see how the shot composition could be made in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere. 

The first thing to do is to upload the image sequences from .zip files to Premiere. In the test shots case, I had to Image Sequence: 

  • Betty Body with animated lighting 
  • Betty Arms with animated lighting 
  • Fork Animation 
  • Light Matte 
  • Background Render 
  • Table with Alpha Render 

After the sequences were created, I synchronized up the shots and then compose them all in After Effects. 

Because the 3D shot here already had depth when they were rendered with 3D camera movement, I did not need to put the scene in 3D space. The fork was an individual piece to the character so I needed to key frame the tip of the fork to the finger otherwise it would look off. 

With the torso, table, and fish I have placed a drop shadow on them to give them depth. A neat thing about drop shadows is you can match the colours of the shadows with the scenes. 

With the light Matte I have made a black and white mask from the character and placed it over the light matte. I think there might be a cleaner way of making the mask rather than using it on every piece of the character animation, however with this test shot it confirms that the light mask could work. 

The one thing that I think needs worked on is lighting, it might be obvious but the lighting on the character and in the background do not match up the lighting from the character will need to be softer and be hand animated to match the light flicker from the 3d scene. Something that the editing team does not really need to worry about. We would only need to ensure that the lighting is synced up. 

Me and Ian have also been trying to figure out if we can do all the compositing in Blender to save us some time. Ian's test shot almost works. For this method we would have to make image sequences in Blender on planes, then for any limb or object in front of a foreground object (like an arm in front of a table), We would have to play with perspective to line up arms with the torso. 

Tasks before next report:

Find a better way to use lighting from the 3D to the 2D.
Find a quick but detailed way of composing shots.
