The Repitch turned workshop

The plan has now changed.

Early on the Friday we got a message from James to see if we can come into class and have a meeting at 4.00pm instead of the plan of meeting at 7.00 on discord.

I believe that a good chunk of the class made it in person, some couldn't make it but they were on speaker phone.

In this meeting We essentially were catching the tutors up on our prior two meetings.

We told the tutors this: (Quoted from the Minutes taken)

· Animation might not be seen

· Very technical to create

· Not a lot of people's core talents utilized within the project

· There is no room for error

· We didn’t get to fully discuss anything before a concept was picked

The tutor then brought to the table counter points and their concerns: (Also quoted from the minutes)

· Understanding of something was lost in interpretation (Eh ‘animation’ meant different things for people)

· Showing defeatism before project has started

· What was mentioned didn’t seem to be the core of the problem

· Don’t be afraid to learn new stuff or cover new territory

· Now is the best time to learn as next year we are in the industry

Personally I do also have counter point to  a few of these counter points:

  • The concerns that the majority of us have currently are not defeatism, but more realism. We can't make a body without a complete skeleton, and right now we don't have all the bones.
  • I believe we are not afraid of learning new stuff, We are already experiencing something new and that is working in a large group together on a massive art project in which is something that we all haven't done before, This is new territory.
  • I believe that we should be focusing on teamwork and completing something functional rather that trying to do something very complicated.
I also have a counter point to Becca, She said that we are all too comfortable animating because we have done animation for 2 years. I say that there is nothing wrong with wanting to do something that we have wanted to learn and perfect in this course. Animation is what the majority of us are trying to learn.
Anyway we ended up deciding to talk about the three already established pitches in detail as a group. Which I believe is fair (And was what we were originally planning to do anyway at 7pm).
I do agree that the meeting should be in person.

Me and now Zeta-Rose will be refining my 'Flatting with Cryptids' pitch to make it more appealing to the class. I won't change too much as I believe that the pitch was solid. In the original voting process mine was top vote with 11 votes. What I will try to do however is sell the idea defining what the roles could do and sell the fact that we can have creative freedom.
