The Meeting at 2pm about the Pitch

 In the prior blog post I mention that as of writing we had finished a meeting about the pitch.

The meeting was to discuss and debate the choice as we didn't discuss it well enough on the day of voting.

Emma, Corrie, Rach, Vinnie, Max, Thomas, Zeta-Rose and me were at this meeting and the majority I believe were concerned with the technical side of the project.

I personally do not think that we could do it in the timeframe that we have, We have never done something like this before and when you draw out o basic plan, things get complicated way to quickly. The prior plan of this pitch didn't have much to go on for a start either.

A Heist with Markiplier (1 hour and 30 minutes run time) and Bandersnatch took 2 years to produce, ANd this was with a team of well trained professionals. 

I believe the majority were concerned about the same/similar things that I was concerned about.

The meeting lasted for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

We came to the result that we need to suggest a re-pitch as the many faults and problems of the prior pitch have been realised.

At 7.00pm tonight another meeting will occur to discuss what has been talked about and what to do next.
