The Final Discussion

This was the day where we finally discuss and decided the pitch in full.
Everyone attended and it was in person.

We first talked about the choose you own adventure idea, Then the fish idea, and then the cryptid idea.
The discussion lasted for 6 hours, which was great. I believe that we needed this amount of time to talk about all of the projects because the last class we rushed the decision making process.

Before we finalised the vote we decided to vote if we were going to do interactive media or a traditional media. The vote went 5 Interactive, 10 Traditional. I am happy with this vote.

The last vote was between the cryptid idea and the fish idea. The votes went like this:
Cryptid 7, Fish 8

We landed on fish, which I am also very happy about.

I am glad that that Fish was picked because of how experimental we could go with it. It is a strong story and I think we can truly use our skills to good use.

Below are all the Whiteboard notes for each idea merged together for easier viewing.

I would like to end this blog with a little clarity, as I do feel like it is needed. In the meeting I was strongly opposed to the idea of a choose you own adventure with good reason. Why was because of the technical side of things which has been covered in previous blogs and in the previous minutes. I wasn't the only one who disagreed with this. When I was talking about this in the meeting it could of been perceived as me being salty or mad that my pitch didn't get picked. This is definitely not the case. Like I said above I am happy that fish got chosen. 
I was just very passionate about this technical concern and I felt it couldn't be ignored. If I had stopped talking about it then the past three meetings discussing and debating about it would have been a waste of time. I never forgot about the group while I was debating either.

My Cryptid idea will be put in my back pocket for a later project. I think it has been developed enough to become something big. Because it does have that potential.
