The Day of Pitching

On the 17th was the day of pitching to the class
11 pitches were made, each being between 5 to 10 minutes.
Here are my thoughts on those pitches.

Thomas George - Homage to Mecha

This one one of my personal favourite pitches. I like the Idea of focusing on a character that you wouldn't expect. This story could have the potential to send a positive message to people who love the basic jobs or in the stories case, give praise to the workers to make everything function (engineering).
The idea of also having Easter Eggs and Trading card would be a cool idea to help advertise the animation.

Zara and Melissa - Ugly Fish

This pitch was a good one because of how we could play around with visual and audible gags. I'm a big fan of skit based comedy and I reckon that this could be a fun one to make. There are many ways that we could work on this too from a animation point of view, surreal can be a option. Also the story is easy to follow.

Rach Snowdon - Elevator Pitch

I did like some aspects from this pitch, including the websites and access to lore for those who want to find it. Also a murder mystery is an interesting idea.

Vinnie Web - Titan Pitch

Another good pitch but I think story wise it could be a lot to do in a short time. Giant Titians would be fun to make but we would realistically only be able to animate one fight.

Corrie du Preeze - Lava!

This one essentially is the floor is lava video game with a different premise, I believe it wouldn't really fit to all our skill sets.

Max Candy - Bug

'The Fly' meets 'Toxic Avenger'. Interesting concept. Could work as mixed media and the story has potential.

Bean Casey - Breakout

I'm glad that Bean took this opportunity to advertise her skill set in this slideshow. We haven't worked with her before and we didn't know what she was capable of until this slide. Her idea was pretty good, you have the opportunity to work in two different styles.

Becca Akersten - Earth Tourist

Good concept but doing an education game limits how creative we can be.

Emma and Sarah - Choose Your Own Mystery

Another good concept, however I do not believe that it is possible to make with the time and skills we have. It is too aspiring for half a year.

Zeta and Bella - Neon Fights

Good Concept. I do think it would be bright and adventurous to do.

After Voting, the final three were Ugly Fish, Flatting With Cryptids, and Choose your own Mystery.
I was surprised that mine managed to get a good chunk of votes. (11 Votes). I guess I did well.

The final vote however I think was very quick to decide. Choose your own mystery was the pick. But we didn't really get to discuss the technical side of it, nor were mine or Zara and Melissa's discussed properly.

Also prior this blog we have had a meeting already about the situation. I will write about it in another post.
