Librarian Visit

A librarian came in today to teach us advances research tips. here is some notes on what went down.

Go on to Blackboard, look for organisations in the side tab,  Find Library, look for subject guides, look for Film and Animations.

In Business and Hospitality, press ProQuest Central. Log In and you should be good to go.

Word Math



  • Surrealism AND media, gives articles with both mentioned
  • Surrealism OR media gives articles with only one mentioned
  • Surrealism NOT media, removes any mention of media

"AND", (OR), NOT*


  • Surrealism* OR Fantasy and Media, truncates surrealism searches
  • (Surreal* or Fancy) AND Media, searches for the brackets first
  • (Surreal or Fancy) AND "Digital Media", Finds any remark of Digital Media
Ticking full text shows only full texts on a subject that you searched for.
Ticking Peer Reviewed shows a subject which has been reviewed by experts.

Source Type

Searching for Scholarly Journals are recommended, we are not limited to it.



If you use another language you can us it but have to provide a translation for your tutor.

There are many different ways to reduce you search including location, when he writing was made, if it was relevant or recent to your search.

You can use Full text, Full text PDF or Abstract for referencing.

Use the Cite (APA 7th).

Also Save in three different places including a third party cloud storage.

End Note x9

Is a useful tool for citing. We will be exploring it in full at a later date.

For more information about citing we can go to the library and ask the librarians for advise

The Librarians insight was good and it was a good reminder of what to do. Although we basically had already learned all of this for the past two years of library interactions.
